Sadly Myxomatosis is a man introduced virus used to control rabbit populations. First signs are lumps and puffiness around the head and genitals progressing into conjunctivitis and possibly blindness. The rabbit will then experience flu like symptoms eventually developing into a secondary bacterial infection like pneumonia.
An un-vaccinated rabbit will usually die after 13 days. It is vitally important you keep on top of fleas and mosquitoes as this is how Myxomatosis is spread.
Rabbits can be vaccinated against Myxomatosis with yearly boosters. Having your rabbit vaccinated does not guarantee Myxomatosis will not be contracted, but the chances are less. Rabbits that do contract the virus however may have a greater chance of recovery.
Vaccinations currently available
Filivac covers RHD1 and RHD2
After being administered it takes 7 days before your rabbit is protected. Can be given from 30 days old but must be repeated at 10 weeks old. Repeat every 6 months in high risk areas and 12 monthly otherwise.
Eravac covers RHD2
After being administered it takes 7 days before your rabbit is protected - Can be given from 30 days old. Repeat every 12 months
Nobivac covers Myxomatosis and RHD1
After being administered it takes 7 days before your rabbit is protected - Can be given from 5 weeks. Repeat every 12 months.
Nobivac Plus covers Myxomatosis, RHD1 & 2
Note! See the message below about mixing this vaccine with others previously given.
Takes 21 to 30 days before your rabbit is protected - Can be given from 5 weeks. Repeat every 12 months.
Personally we would say get the Eravac or Filivac first as this covers your bunny after 7 days against the most virulent one RHD2, followed by the Nobivac for myxomatosis and RHD1.
Then when the boosters are due, go in a month before and have the triple Nobivac Plus. This seems the most sensible/quickest way to protect your babies.
An important message from Frances Harcourt-Brown .....
It is logical for vets and owners to think that if they give a Nobivac Myxo-RHD PLUS booster to a rabbit that was previously vaccinated with Nobivac Myxo-RHD then it will be protected again RHDV2. This is not the case. The previous vaccine may interfere with the response to the triple vaccine leaving the rabbit vulnerable to RHDV2. Although it is counterintuitive, these rabbits still need Filovac or Eravac to protect them against RHDV2.
It takes 7 days for Eravac or Filavac to start to become effective but it takes 30 days for Nobivac Myxo-RHD Plus (the triple) This may be important in the face of an outbreak or for owners bringing rabbits into premises where there may be RHDV2.
We MUST protect our rabbits. On a daily basis we hear of people losing their their pet rabbits to hundreds in a stud.
This is a highly infectious disease that will cause sudden death often without any symptoms.
Rabbit Haemorrhagic Disease (RHDV2) is epidemic in the UK now.
In summary this is a very nasty disease that is spread by flying insects, pet or wild rabbits, yourself or your pets from passing through infected areas. The disease can harbour for 3 to 10 days after the initial contraction of the virus and death can occur within a few hours of the onset of illness.
Disinfectants that work for this are Virkon and reportedly F10.
Below are several links to learn more about this new variant and what to do if you think your rabbit(s) may have died from this dreadful virus.
The first is the best read for considering the various vaccines available and how they work with each other.
There are also Facebook pages that take reports of confirmed and unconfirmed cases and place on a map.
An un-vaccinated rabbit will usually die after 13 days. It is vitally important you keep on top of fleas and mosquitoes as this is how Myxomatosis is spread.
Rabbits can be vaccinated against Myxomatosis with yearly boosters. Having your rabbit vaccinated does not guarantee Myxomatosis will not be contracted, but the chances are less. Rabbits that do contract the virus however may have a greater chance of recovery.
Vaccinations currently available
Filivac covers RHD1 and RHD2
After being administered it takes 7 days before your rabbit is protected. Can be given from 30 days old but must be repeated at 10 weeks old. Repeat every 6 months in high risk areas and 12 monthly otherwise.
Eravac covers RHD2
After being administered it takes 7 days before your rabbit is protected - Can be given from 30 days old. Repeat every 12 months
Nobivac covers Myxomatosis and RHD1
After being administered it takes 7 days before your rabbit is protected - Can be given from 5 weeks. Repeat every 12 months.
Nobivac Plus covers Myxomatosis, RHD1 & 2
Note! See the message below about mixing this vaccine with others previously given.
Takes 21 to 30 days before your rabbit is protected - Can be given from 5 weeks. Repeat every 12 months.
Personally we would say get the Eravac or Filivac first as this covers your bunny after 7 days against the most virulent one RHD2, followed by the Nobivac for myxomatosis and RHD1.
Then when the boosters are due, go in a month before and have the triple Nobivac Plus. This seems the most sensible/quickest way to protect your babies.
An important message from Frances Harcourt-Brown .....
It is logical for vets and owners to think that if they give a Nobivac Myxo-RHD PLUS booster to a rabbit that was previously vaccinated with Nobivac Myxo-RHD then it will be protected again RHDV2. This is not the case. The previous vaccine may interfere with the response to the triple vaccine leaving the rabbit vulnerable to RHDV2. Although it is counterintuitive, these rabbits still need Filovac or Eravac to protect them against RHDV2.
It takes 7 days for Eravac or Filavac to start to become effective but it takes 30 days for Nobivac Myxo-RHD Plus (the triple) This may be important in the face of an outbreak or for owners bringing rabbits into premises where there may be RHDV2.
We MUST protect our rabbits. On a daily basis we hear of people losing their their pet rabbits to hundreds in a stud.
This is a highly infectious disease that will cause sudden death often without any symptoms.
Rabbit Haemorrhagic Disease (RHDV2) is epidemic in the UK now.
In summary this is a very nasty disease that is spread by flying insects, pet or wild rabbits, yourself or your pets from passing through infected areas. The disease can harbour for 3 to 10 days after the initial contraction of the virus and death can occur within a few hours of the onset of illness.
Disinfectants that work for this are Virkon and reportedly F10.
Below are several links to learn more about this new variant and what to do if you think your rabbit(s) may have died from this dreadful virus.
The first is the best read for considering the various vaccines available and how they work with each other.
There are also Facebook pages that take reports of confirmed and unconfirmed cases and place on a map.